The ATL Marathon is Atal Innovation Mission’s flagship innovation challenge, where schools identify community problems of their choice and develop innovative solutions in the form of working prototypes. The last edition of the Marathon witnessed 7000+ innovations. The theme for the 2023-24 edition of the ATL Marathon is not yet declared.


ATL Marathon is a national-level innovation challenge for young innovators across India who can solve community problems of their choice, develop innovative solutions in the form of working prototypes or, minimum viable products (MVP).The idea is to create a huge opportunity for students to innovate not just for the better India but for the world by resolving global problems in various sectors. It is going to be a watershed moment for India and a unique opportunity for students to solve local and global problems.

Top teams will get an Internship opportunity through the Student Innovator Program with leading corporates & Incubation Centres of India, certificates from AIM, NITI Aayog and many more exciting opportunities.

ATL Marathon Themes (Previous year)

In ATL Marathon the students are allowed to choose problem statements based on any of the given themes & work on a problem that they find around themselves, research, ideate, innovate and implement a solution for it.

ATL Marathon 2022-23 (previous year)  8 themes –

  1. Education
  2. Health
  3. Agriculture
  4. Environment & Climate Sustainability
  5. Development
  6. Digital Economy
  7. Tourism
  8. Others (Identify your own problem and solve it)

Problem Statements (Previous Year)

ATL Marathon problem statement

  1. Education
    • Innovate to ensure access to education for all
    • Innovate to help children with special needs learn effectively
  2. Health
    • Innovate solutions for patients suffering from the most common diseases in India.
    • Build solutions to find new ways to address health and nutrition challenges (malnutrition, obesity etc.)
  3. Agriculture
    • Design solutions to increase agricultural yield in India
    • Design solutions to position millets as alternative staples globally
  4. Environment & Climate Sustainability
    • Innovate to find ways to reduce carbon emissions in industries
    • Build solutions to make every citizen in India adopt an environment-conscious lifestyle( LiFE movement )
  5. Development
    • Design a solution to improve public transportation in India
    • Design a solution to improve the drinking water and sanitation problem in India
  6. Digital Economy
    • Build solutions for the Digital India Movement across different sectors
    • Design solutions to improve digital governance
  7. Tourism
    • Design solutions to boost the tourism industry in India
    • Build a solution for sustainable development in popular tourist locations preserving the natural and ecological heritage of the region
  8. Others (Identify your own problem statement and innovate for it)

Important Dates & Timeline

Start Date Not yet declared
End Date Not yet declared

Prizes & Certificates

Top 350 teams – Student Internship Programme (SIP)

Top 50 teams – Student Entrepreneurship Programme (SEP)

Special Certificates –

  • Top 10 teams from each state
  • Top 10 teams from rural areas
  • Top 10 teams from government schools
  • Top 10 teams from Aspirational Districts
  • Top 10 teams including Children with special needs

Terms and Conditions

  1. The ATL Marathon is for Indian students currently enrolled in school (Class VI to Class XII) both from ATL and non-ATL schools, in case your entry is selected as a finalist, the team members may be asked to provide proof in the form of a photo of your school ID-card or any other form as deemed appropriate by AIM, NITI Aayog.
  2. Failure to do so may result in your entry being disqualified.
  3. There is no limit on how many teams from a school can participate.
  4. The online application form submission will include: Research Document 3-minute Video (capturing details of their working prototype/solution) ATL In-Charge, School Teachers, Mentors of Change, Alumni and external mentors from the local ATL ecosystem may support the student teams.
  5. Kindly note individual member entry is not allowed. Also, if the team size exceeds the 3- member limit, the entry/ submission will be immediately disqualified.
  6. Each Team shall consist of a maximum of 3 students (class 6th to 12th) and one ATL in-charge/ School Teacher (must be an employee of the ATL School).
  7. We encourage ATL schools to also include other school and/or community students within the Team Composition.
  8. Kindly note individual member entry is not allowed. Also, if the team size exceeds the 3- member limit, the entry/ submission will be immediately disqualified.
  9. Top 350 Teams will get Internships through the Student Innovator Program with leading corporates of India, certificates from AIM, NITI Aayog and many more interesting opportunities at the conclusion of the Marathon.
  10. Top teams from SIP will participate in the Student Entrepreneurship Programme (SEP) All participating students and teachers will get a Certificate of Participation from AIM, NITI Aayog.



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